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[PHAJ] (Closed) 2025 Feb. Plan...

Closed. We are looking forward to seeing you in the next cafe & bar (March 27, 2025)!

Planetary Health Alliance Japan Hub will hold a “Planetary Health (PH) Cafe & Bar” to share various information about Planetary Health with everyone. We look forward to your participation if you are interested in Planetary Health.

In this month of PH Cafe & Bar, the main language is Japanese.


The 2025 Feb. Planetary Health Cafe & Bar

Date and time: Feb 27 (Thu) 19:30-20:30 JST

Organizer: Planetary Health Alliance Japan Hub
Form: Online (ZOOM)

Registration page

About PH Cafe & Bar

Purpose: to share information about Planetary Health (PH)  and connect different PH networks.

Style: In this cafe & bar, with your favourite coffee or alcohol, we talk casually about the practice and implementation of PH and take action together. Students, working adults, and anyone interested in PH are welcome to participate. (Held about once a month?)

This month’s host: Dr Yasuhide NAKAMURA, President of Friends of WHO Japan

Topics will be decided by this month’s host. Please look forward to it.


(Additional Notes)

We hope that this PH Cafe & Bar will be a place where people from various fields can exchange information about PH without any borders by the conventions of planetary health in Japan, so please feel free to invite your friends even if you are not a member of this PHAJ-Network.

In addition, we will gradually get this PH Cafe & Bar on track, so we hope you will come up with various ideas on the day. Also, we will plan to have a joint Cafe & Bar with other countries too.

We look forward to as many people as possible participating!

Planetary Health Alliance Japan HUB